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Why a capability statement should be your next priority

What is a Capability Statement?

A Capability Statement is a business document detailing your individual and organisational competencies, achievements, associations and acreditations. Its purpose is to communicate clearly and effectively to potential customers, business partners, stakeholders, suppliers and even employees about your business and business capabilities.

Why is it important?

A Capability Statement is important because it provides target audiences with specific information about your organisation that will assist them to make a decision on whether they should do business with your company. When written powerfully and persuasively, a Capability Statement will differentiate your business from your competitor, helping to reinforce your business brand and value proposition.

What do I include?

Knowing what to include, where to get the information, how much to write, how to present the information etc… can make the whole task feel over whelming! Plus, when are you going to find the time to do it?

Firstly, it may be helpful to think about what a capability statement is not. It is not meant to be a comprehensive report that covers every single aspect of your business, nor is it a document that you write once and file away never to be seen again.

When collating your content for your capability statement, here is our handy checklist of what you will need: –


  • Logo
  • Vision Statement
  • Taglines
  • Business Units
  • Services
  • Any brands you carry
  • Products


Safety, Quality, Acreditations and Risk Management practices

  • Your Management Team
  • History
  • Quality
  • Core Competencies
  • Safety and Risk Management
  • Certifications
  • Contact Information

Why do I need a capability statement?

When responding to a tender, the application may request a capability statement to support your submission. The decision-maker will use the information in the capability statement to verify your organisation’s abilities and experience to meet project specifications. It also presents your organisation as professional and helps you stand out against your competitors.

At Garnish Marketing we specialise in Manufacturing, Distribution and Engineering, which means we have to know what your customers need from you in order to decide if you are a company they are aligned with and can place an order with. In most cases for larger scale projects you are required to have some semblance of a capability statement ready for review, so this critical analysis can take place at a glance.

So, if you want to play with the big boys but you haven’t got a capability statement we can help and it’s not as hard as it might seem.

Find out more about Capability Statements and how we can help to develop yours here

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